- Publisher: Wednesday Night Press
- Available in: Paperback, eBook
- ISBN: 978-0-9973146-0-1
- Published: May 19, 2016
Illustrated by Gretchen Deahl
Magdalena’s Picnic – El picnic de Magdalena, explores a young child’s imagination as it takes her to a faraway place—the Amazon jungle—without leaving her backyard. The main character in the book, the one fearlessly leading the group ahead, is a girl named Magdalena. She is clearly a role model for young adventurers as she dodges dangers, makes bold choices, and finally, leads her group to its destination. Author Patricia Aguilar Morrissey and illustrator Gretchen Deahl have collaborated on every page of this book to transplant the reader into the Amazon jungle. Every character, plant, and animal was carefully researched to represent the true nature of the Amazon. This story for young readers can be used for its obvious benefits of learning to read Spanish or English but also as a teaching tool for the Amazon jungle and its inhabitants. The story finishes with a personal letter from the author that gently guides the reader to consciousness of the Amazon rainforest, its prized possessions, and our need to protect it.
El picnic de Magdalena, explora la imaginación de una niña que la lleva a la selva del Amazonas sin salir del jardín de su casa. Magdalena, una líder valiente y emprendedora, es un modelo para jóvenes aventureros mientras evita peligros, toma decisiones difíciles y, finalmente, lleva a su grupo a su destino. La autora Patricia Aguilar Morrissey y la ilustradora Gretchen Deahl han colaborado en esta divertida aventura y el producto final es un libro encantador con dibujos maravillosos de importantes personajes de la selva amazónica. Al final del libro la autora, través de una carta personal a los lectores, anima a los jóvenes a cuidar esta maravillosa región.